Don't Die A Rebel | Teen Ink

Don't Die A Rebel

April 5, 2011
By kaleyevans BRONZE, Haskell, Oklahoma
kaleyevans BRONZE, Haskell, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did I wait too late in the game to avoid this heartache?

You appeared too suddenly, and I can't say "I should have known"
because i knew from the start.

Sometimes you don't know what's best, maybe that's the one time
you shouldn't follow your heart.

Love is not time to be a rebel, when your heart lays on the table.
I dealt my cards, you cheated yours
Had them hidden under the table, at a quarter to four
I had no chance, I didn't hear the sound of war
my quick wit, my overly clouded brain
crumbled at the hands of your charm and game
You won the game, player. You won the bid.

At the hands of you, I left the cards where they lay.
It's not like there are words left to say.
Still the game grew longer, i saw no end
God how I wish I'd seen it then.

I sealed my fate, you can't play "Love" with a player,
and expect him to appreciate.
He let you win once upon a time
It's a distant memory inside your mind.

It's drowned in regret like your will to trust,
what you thought was yours, to take, you must-
scoop up his heart and realize what's yours is mine.
you never had a heart to give, that should have been a sign

So he won again, he won all along. From start to finish
he knew what would go on.
And as he got up from the table, not yet meeting his match;
He walks to the next, to claim another "catch"

The author's comments:
In this piece, I attempt to draw the parallels between love, and a game. It is about the game in general. Or, the analogies between games and what goes on in a relationship.

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This article has 1 comment.

asmarks18 said...
on Jul. 8 2011 at 9:42 pm
Kaley the Chick rocks my socks!