When We Burned Eden Down | Teen Ink

When We Burned Eden Down

November 3, 2011
By jakewinkles SILVER, Rainsville, Alabama
jakewinkles SILVER, Rainsville, Alabama
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't try" - Charles Bukowski

Crammed in, knees stitched together,
We rode the city streets, radio volume up to 25
Singing our hearts and our souls weary
We made blemished Eden our playground
And when nighttime fell, we raised a drink to the southern stars above

With the busy boulevards of L.A. to the west
And the endless skyscrapers of New York a world away
I wouldn’t rather be anywhere but here with you
On this southern dirt, our glasses high and us arm in arm
With our heads in the clouds and our hearts so true
We are the light of our youth

Shady as can be, but if you can get us to come around
Pour a drink and cure the fever in our hearts
Smoke and warm breath will pour into these four walls
Tomorrow will come and we’ll have long forgotten the night before
But believe that it was the time of our lives

With the busy boulevards of L.A. to the west
And the endless skyscrapers of New York a world away
I wouldn’t rather be anywhere but here with you
On this southern dirt, our glasses high and us arm in arm
With our heads in the clouds and our hearts so true
We are the light of our youth

Nauseous thoughts rumble around, waiting for the coffee pot to warm
Dirty clothes, greasy hair, smugglers hearts, picture perfect heroes
Shoulders tired of being crutches, find rest in a mattresses clutches
Sleep away the next few hours, rise from the dead to raise hell again
Let’s swing away another night

With the busy boulevards of L.A. to the west
And the endless skyscrapers of New York a world away
I wouldn’t rather be anywhere but here with you
On this southern dirt, our glasses high and us arm in arm
With our heads in the clouds and our hearts so true
We are the light of our youth

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, than here with my brothers

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