Not Meant For Me | Teen Ink

Not Meant For Me

December 20, 2012
By M.R.Mapixle GOLD, Edison, New Jersey
M.R.Mapixle GOLD, Edison, New Jersey
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate

---Murphy's law

Waiting here by the stream,
where we first met that spring
knowing you won't come,
but hoping anyway

Why'd I ever think you could make the sun shine through the fog again,
why'd I ever think you could make the rain stop falling from cloudless skies

What a fool I was, to think your smiles
could bring me out of the fog
What a fool I was, to believe in all the empty promises you made

Now, crying here beneath the cherry tree,
I see, your not meant for me,
no, never was, never will

Now, running in the rain
I see, your not meant for me,
no, never was, never will

Why'd I believe in you,
that day we met by the stream,
as the cherry blossoms bloomed
and you promised you'd stay with me

What a fool I was, to think you
could make the rain stop falling from cloudless skies

Now, standing here beneath the cherry tree,
I see
Now, crying here beneath the cherry tree,
I see
Now, I see
Your not meant for me,
no, never was, never will,
your not meant for me,
not meant for me

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