Lifeline | Teen Ink


January 1, 2013
By Sarah_McCormack98 BRONZE, Monroe, Virginia
Sarah_McCormack98 BRONZE, Monroe, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the dead of night
no sound but the rain,
a neglected young girl
causes herself pain.
As the rain lets up
you can her her heartbeat.
Slower then faster,
at her soul misery does eat.

Nobody around her
notices the hurt.
"She's an outcast" they say.
They all treat her like dirt

She stays lonley & scared
while in the middle of a crowd.
Her despair clouds around her
like a long dark shroud.

Many a night she's planned
to forever end her life.
She says she cannot bear
with all this endless strife.
But the one little thing
keeping her right here
is a boy just like her.
He shoos away all her fears

This story is common:
sad girl meets one hope.
Only in him
can she finally cope.

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