Bottled up inside | Teen Ink

Bottled up inside

January 18, 2013
By SaiKasam BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
SaiKasam BRONZE, Hyderabad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form, and says, &#039;Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.&#039; I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.&quot;<br /> -Robert Oppenheimer

1st verse

I'm right here looking into your eyes,
but you don't believe so it dies,
Just cause of you I've got ache in my heart, love on my mind, but this pain is in disguise,
And your the reason it happened but now I'm over reacting,
Though that isn't how it goes like I'm trying to control my flows,
I never share my taught this is as far as I could ever go,
But every time I try I open up these eyes,
Cause this is my chance to realise,
The worth of the pain, the stress,I guess
It might of just, of been for the best
So all I know is now its nothing but a mess,
And these rhymes are nothing but a shot for me to get remembered and reprieved ,
So now it's all coming out as I went insane,
But in the end there was nothing to gain, and all I was left with was misery and pain,


Bottled up inside
The feeling that I never expressed
The truth that is yet to be said
You can read it on my face, hear it in my heart, and see it in my eyes,
Trapped inside are lies of the past that I can't replace

2nd verse

These tears go straight into a barrel of hate,
There isn't even a slight chance of narrow escape,
It might just be terrible fate,
That decides my due date,
but wait I guess it's just as late as I was to my gate-way to success ,
But now it's time to sublime and pick up this mess,
So if you'd mind till then tell me those lie while you looked me in the eyes and make them sound good , make them sound good just as the demons from my past would,


3rd verse

Here I am rapping out this 3rd verse just to show you that I'll make u hurt worse,
So just wait till I get rid of this curse,
But no matter how hard I try,
I search but never find as I'm working for Father Time,
So just know I fight cause I bottle my emotions,
But at least I'm putting them all in the open,
Now it's all about forgetting the past,
Trying to look into the future,
So just remember the past is nothing but the past,
So just remember your word became is your pride


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