Real Rap | Teen Ink

Real Rap

January 18, 2013
By DoubleD78678 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
DoubleD78678 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Then we would go sleep in our bunk beds, Johnny would always get top bunk, I was afraid of rolling out. Then we grew up.<br /> <br /> I miss Savannah, Georgia. I miss that wooden fence. I miss that oak tree and the bunk beds. Johnny and I are older now and much more distant, ever since we left Savannah it hasn&#039;t been the same. We grew up too fast. And I wish we could go back. So we could be brothers again.

A hidden talent, even Tupac would be envious
I got the finest catch, it be the deadliest
Cruisin’ around in a pimped out Honda
Ridin’ in passenger is my girl Madonna
Maybe you can’t tell, but I am the greatest
My style is spot on, my clothes are the latest
I can rap better than anyone ever
Justin Bieber suck it, never say never
Maybe im white but that doesn’t matter
MC Hammer can’t touch this, my wallet is fatter
My raps are infectious, that shiz fungal
I control this game, I’m the king of the jungle

The author's comments:
This is me. My LIFE. Out in the open

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