Broken | Teen Ink


February 3, 2013
By Nagysprinter BRONZE, Baldwinsville, New York
Nagysprinter BRONZE, Baldwinsville, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
God promises a safe landing not a calm passage.

You say we are meant to be,
but you always let me leave,
I just sit here and grieve.
I guess I'm on my own,
I doubt you'll pick up the phone,
this hurts more then a broken bone.
All i asked is for you to try,
and you promised, but it was all a lie,
all I can do is cry.
You build up my hopes,
and then leave me to cope,
I feel like I'm suffocating from a rope.
All I am is depressed,
these feelings won't go to rest,
I can never feel my best.
I was at my worst,
and you made me feel like dirt,
I felt like I was under a curse.
I thought you'd surprise me at my race,
but I never saw your face,
am I that much of a disgrace?
I go to all your games,
I even shout your name,
even when I'm in pain.
This is how you return the favor?
wait. what did you miss my race for?
so you could sleep in your bed nest to the heater.
Well I'll sit here and freeze,
I guess I'm some sort of disease.
I'm just asking you to notice me once, please?
I'm getting tired of this fight,
you've practically taken my life,
cause to you I never feel what I'm doing is right.
Whatever I'm done,
you can go run,
cause I feel like I've been shot by a gun.

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