Juliet, love; one last stolen kiss? | Teen Ink

Juliet, love; one last stolen kiss?

March 1, 2015
By Brookeee GOLD, Newnan,
Brookeee GOLD, Newnan,
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where there once lie solace and your fingertips now bares burden and sin. That gown of scarlet and gold you wore now drenched in the stench of death. Your eyes have gone from full of life to black and cold as night. Your skin is frigid to the touch, sends shivers down my spine.
And your beauty is seeping from your skin. Your warm flowing blood now frozen in your throat. The thumping of your heart echoes in my chest. The oxygen in your blood fills my lungs. Your suicide lingers in the air. I breathe it in.
With a dagger to your heart, the sight of your corpse has killed me a thousand times over again. Your demon clasping my hand, pulling me under, placing the ring of eternal hell on my finger. The golden sun now wretched dawn. I’m letting go.
And Juliet, love; your beauty is seeping from your skin. Your warm flowing blood now frozen in your throat. The thumping of your heart echoes in my chest. The oxygen in your blood fills my lungs. Your suicide lingers in the air. I breathe it in. As I suck in my last breath, I feel my lungs tear. My eyes glaze over as I reach out and shake the hand of hell, but before I bid you farewell, one last stolen kiss?

The author's comments:

This is my take on Romeo and Juliet from Romeo's perspective. 

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