before | Teen Ink


March 16, 2015
By leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
'what goes around comes around"

I though I was in love before, I guess I was wrong.

I feel like i'm in love now but do I feel it's strong?

Where are my feelings right now?

The only way to know is to see if he'll be there when I fall 

and not just stay there ,so unaware of who he can call standing against the wall.

Honestly I fell he'll be there when I fall

Call for help, when i'm in need be in the hospital when I need thee.

After seeing a falling tree ,not one not two but ,maybe three

Will he be there?

I thought the last guy would.

I thought the one before that would too

But yet not another dream came true.

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