My first ever song i wrote | Teen Ink

My first ever song i wrote

March 11, 2016
By GamergurlEmy BRONZE, Pollock Pines, California
GamergurlEmy BRONZE, Pollock Pines, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I get on with life as a queen,

I'm a sexy kind of person.

I like playing chess on Sundays,

I like listening to music in the week.

I like to contemplate with ketchup.

But when I strat to daydream,

My mind turns straight to mayo.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Do I love mayo more than ketchup?

Do I love mayo more than ketchup?

I like to use words like 'bloody hell,'

I like to use words like 'crikey.'

I like to use words about ketchup.

But when I stop my talking,

My mind turns straight to mayo.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Do I love mayo more than ketchup?

Do I love mayo more than ketchup?

I like to hang out with Matt.

I like to kick back with Sarah.

But when left alone,

My mind turns straight to mayo.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Do I love mayo more than ketchup?

Do I love mayo more than ketchup?

I'm not too fond of smelly farms,

I really hate ants.

But I just think back to mayo,

And I'm happy once again.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The author's comments:

This is my first ever song that I have ever wrote.

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