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#9121voted by our readers
By thoughtfulsoul PLATINUM
El Cajon, California

It is difficult to decipher What is happening. When I see you smiling, And all I want is it To be cause of me. It doesn’t make sense, For you to feel butterflies too When I...
thoughtfulsoul PLATINUM, El Cajon, California
25 articles 0 photos 48 comments

#9122 Poetry
By nicoledente PLATINUM
Galion, Ohio
nicoledente PLATINUM, Galion, Ohio
21 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you aren't going to believe my answer, then you shouldn't have asked!

#9123 Poetry
By punkr0cker365 ELITE
Bedford, New York
punkr0cker365 ELITE, Bedford, New York
100 articles 2 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.&quot;<br /> Kurt Cobain

OneBarProductions PLATINUM, Union, Missouri
33 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You think it is the living that will have the ultimate judgement over you, but it&#039;s the dead that will have no claim over your soul&quot;

#9125 Poetry
By Chris9 GOLD
Harvel, Illinois
Chris9 GOLD, Harvel, Illinois
13 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Life To The Fullest

#9126 Poetry
AnnyssaHowerton GOLD, Yuma, Arizona
12 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
If there is a star in the night sky, then today was a good day.<br /> or<br /> If there is a star in the sky, then it is nighttime.

#9127 Poetry
By Polythene GOLD
St.petersburg, Florida
Polythene GOLD, St.petersburg, Florida
15 articles 17 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.&quot;

#9128 Poetry
By Anonymous
#9129 Poetry
By Micca_22 BRONZE
East Dublin, Georgia
Micca_22 BRONZE, East Dublin, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be the best you can be at all times.<br /> Dont worry, Be happy.

#9130 Poetry
Austin, Texas
Whilloh PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
22 articles 4 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Would you like a jelly baby?&quot; - The Doctor