When There's No Rush in Time | Teen Ink

When There's No Rush in Time

July 9, 2019
By sabrina_kim25 BRONZE, San Juan Capistrano, California
sabrina_kim25 BRONZE, San Juan Capistrano, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When life isn’t rushed, you seem to notice, 

The little things that happen around you,

When days aren’t fast you’re able to focus,

The hummingbird at your window is blue.

The feelings that I didn’t care to feel,

The messes that I didn’t care to fix,

Like picking up a dropped banana peel,

Or finding out I don’t like politics.

Before, the clock was used to signal “next”

For my days were always so busy... Ish,

But now I look to see if I can text,

“It’s eleven eleven, make a wish!”  

For now, I am blessed with the gift of time,

While granted this freedom, I’ll never whine.

The author's comments:

During the school year, there are so many expectations that are weighed on my shoulders and so many duties I have to follow. I'd only look at the time to see when my next class would be or when I'd have to start my homeowork. But now in the summer, I'm able to put my two feet up on the desk and sit back. I'm able to learn things about myself and the world around me that I hadn't known before.

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