Perfection: Overrated. | Teen Ink

Perfection: Overrated.

May 8, 2020
By crefuerzo412 BRONZE, Union City, California
crefuerzo412 BRONZE, Union City, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer." - Unknown

You say I am perfect, I disagree.

You say I am open, I have no secrets.

You are wrong, I tend to cover up you see, 

Covering up is painful, I admit.

Like, did you know I have alopecia?

Did you know I wear a wig ev‘ry day?

Did you know it hurt me and unleashed a monster?

My tears could not be kept at bay,

But I overcame ‘cause it did not kill me, 

It made me stronger, not angry and rough.

I grew to love who I am with ev’ry

Passing day. And I was taught to be tough.

And although I struggle from time to time, 

I am reminded of the good light that shines.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment that prefaced our reading of Hamlet during my sophomore year. I wrote about my experience with perfection and alopecia. 

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