Who I am | Teen Ink

Who I am

May 14, 2010
By Anonymous

I am understanding and headstrong
I wonder what people really think of me
I hear the humming of my car
I see sun setting from afar
I want move out and be my own self
I am understanding and headstrong

I pretend to act like I care
I feel like someone is pulling my hair
I touch and turn knob on the door
I worry that if I disappoint they wont care anymore
I cry when it seems like everything is wrong
I am understanding and headstrong

I understand that what they do is because they care
I say well its okay we have the rest of our life to live
I dream of being fully satisfied in life
I try to make the best of things
I hope they will understand
I am understanding and headstrong

The author's comments:
It's mainly about how I feel right now in my house as a teenager.

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