What is Love? | Teen Ink

What is Love?

May 9, 2011
By 97nikki BRONZE, Westport, Connecticut
97nikki BRONZE, Westport, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One question can have so many answers

Just one simple question has had men wondering

What is Love? The answer comes in shapes and colors

So just remember while you are reading,

There is no real definition for love

Love is miserable, love is a wonder

It can be as free as a symbolic dove,

or rainy as the etched pavements which you wander

Love can be adoration for a pet,

or a patriotic love for your land

Love can be the first time you two met,

or always having your family on hand

So you see, love has no limitation,

no end, for love is a shining beacon

The author's comments:
This piece was originally an English assignment, but I felt that I could grow on the sonnet, and would try to submit it.

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