To Alena | Teen Ink

To Alena

May 15, 2011
By Serena Hernandez SILVER, Pound Ridge, New York
Serena Hernandez SILVER, Pound Ridge, New York
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

My love, you are the life and day of me
Together we can be a pair, you know
Your daylight makes me able to see
The life of you seems as if it’s a show.

But what you see in me is the wrong thing
You see dark shadows and the death of you
But if you hear only what I can sing
Love is what you will find, and that you do

And when I see your shinning dark brown hair
And when I see your glistening sea eyes
I know that you and I are just not fair
And that my dark traits will just ruin our lives.

Because of who I am, you don’t want me
I’ll still love you but I’ll let you be free.

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