The Deep Blue | Teen Ink

The Deep Blue

June 1, 2011
By gail.castan BRONZE, San Diego, California
gail.castan BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An endless life surrounds my fragile skin
Each droplet intertwined between my hairs.
I swim my way through raging waves within
Underneath the water whisks me to its lair.

Those white harsh waves begin to curl down
The listless currents exhilarate so deep.
With colors wading green and blue, yet pound
The swaying, rocking, puts me fast asleep.

The salty sandy shells clench each toe
Around my legs wrap strands of slick seaweed.
I take a deep breath, under the wave I go
Towards the shore, the wave will never mislead.

That invigorating moment of freedom brings
The courage to open my restricted wings.

The author's comments:
Living close to the beach for all of my life, the ocean has greatly inspired my writing towards this poem.

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