Mirror Image | Teen Ink

Mirror Image

June 14, 2011
By emstah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
emstah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are all human and I want to relate that message to all people."-Bootsy Collins

There is a girl I know and I’m rather sorry that I do
She is vindictive and cruel and quite manipulative, too
She looks a lot like me, her blonde hair like Medusa’s snakes
And with cold blue eyes like frozen, perilous lakes
She hurts a lot of people, especially the ones she loves
When her mother tries to hug her, she only pushes and shoves
When her brother tries to talk to her, she tells him to go away
Her father tries to do her favors and she won’t meet him halfway
I’ve gotten to know her a little better than I would like
And I’ve seen her when her jealous spells strike
She cheats when she has too, and doesn’t feel all that bad
Since losing to anybody drives her absolutely mad
She has most people under her spell
They are ensnared by the lies she likes to tell
Like that she is a “good kid” who always tries to do the right thing
Unaware that she is playing with them like a puppet string
She has lied to her best friend “for her own good”
But who knows if she’d tell the truth if she could?
No, I definitely regret getting to know this girl
Her demonic deeds are hidden by an angelic pin curl
Her moral compass used to point north
But recent events have caused it to quiver back and forth
I wish I could just put her away to gather dust on a shelf
But I see a lot of this girl in myself.

The author's comments:
Not really a sonnet, but I didn't think any other category really fit.

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