The Scars of War | Teen Ink

The Scars of War

June 28, 2011
By Fangfire_X BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
Fangfire_X BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fourth man down, another gap in the line.
yellow is the grass, blood red are the skies.
daggers in their clothes, poison in the wine,
a plate of hatred and a side of lies.

It started out fine, from the start they pretend,
we waited ten days and ten nights of rest.
we were unprepared for the night to defend
when they betrayed us with their tools of death.

Now the memories are stuck in my head,
the fleeing people afraid to lose life.
I still remember the faces of dread,
the dozens who fell by each soldier's knife.

Ever since the start there was wrong and right,
the people who live and those that just fight.

The author's comments:
This is something that i came up with in school as an assignment, and I had decided to make it something interesting; something more than an assignment. This is a standard sonnet;four quatrains and a couplet.

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