Empty House | Teen Ink

Empty House

July 8, 2011
By sarahuntington88 BRONZE, Liberty, Indiana
sarahuntington88 BRONZE, Liberty, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont strive to be perfect becuase lifes mistakes have meaning and memories we hold have mistakes.

It was once loves, someone used to live here
But now the windows are cracked and the walls are white and bare
If you look through all the crack you will feel of its fears
All it needs is an owner; someone to love and care

I visit this place often; I want to know why it's empty
It was built 6 years ago, but looks more like twenty
Could someone not afford, what they once thought they could
Did they just walk out the door, chuckle while saying "it's all good"

Did they think it was okay to just walk out the door?
Why did they leave so much here, like the furniture and the phone?
They left everything from the floor to the decor
Did this person think this place was fine all on its own?

Well this person was wrong, this place is cold and timid
I want them to see what it looks like, what all they did
The doors creek with you open them too much
and the walls shake when you give them more than a gentle touch

I will show this place love, I will fill it with memories
I will be its savor, and I will hold the keys
maybe one day its previous own will ask me for it back
But I wont answer because I have seen through the cracks

The author's comments:
Just a little boy that means a lot to me.

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