Christmas Spectrum | Teen Ink

Christmas Spectrum

October 12, 2011
By Nikki Brown BRONZE, Manhasset, New York
Nikki Brown BRONZE, Manhasset, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Green, a color that carries a crisp scent.
Red, a color of passion and candy canes.
These two colors flow with content,
as Christmas anxiousness pours through my veins.

Silvers and Golds reflect their silhouette.
With their thick ribbons tied tightly on presents.
And their ornamental shining duet.
This metallic pair tops of the event.

White pearled stockings drape on the fire place.
The flames of the fire burn rapidly,
While showing off their locomotive grace.
This sight is the opposite of apathy.

The colors gold, red, green, silver and white,
Deliver this holiday such delight.

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