Alone, Skin and Bone | Teen Ink

Alone, Skin and Bone

November 3, 2011
By Anonymous

He sits, in pits, of darkness,
Just lost, alone,
just skin and bone,
Life grows shorter,
and the end gets closer,
Life doesn't last forever;
it’s just a small cover
Just temporary,
so he fights fearlessly,
To get back the mistakes that he makes,
whatever it takes
He took little things for granted, and wishes he hadn't
Tries to prove,
tries to make the right moves,
He just wants to go home,
but he’s all alone,
Just him and in his mind,
everything looks grim,
But in the mind,
there is always a small shine
A glimmer of hope,
and he keeps climbing the slope,
He believes,
fight, and it will be alright,
Just show your determination, others will know,
Always remember to never
Take things for granted,
or else you will regret it,
Even if it is very small things, the smaller ones have the most meanings,
Cause life is too short,
to just take granted for things of the sort
Always remember this,
and life will surely be bliss

The author's comments:
dont take things for granted, be careful about your actions, choose your future wisely

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