Love Sort of Sucks | Teen Ink

Love Sort of Sucks

November 14, 2011
By Dreamingpen BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Dreamingpen BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Girl and a boy fell in love.
In each other’s eyes it felt right;
however it was a love unheard of.
For she was dark and he was light.
‘Together Forever,’ words carved into their heart.
Together they felt equal, none better than the other.
No matter what they felt, society pulled them apart.
She stayed strong, but adversity was too much for the other lover.
He loved her deeply and wanted to take her to a place called home.
The burden was becoming heavier and heavier, because of racism.
He knew he had to let her go, so he left her alone.
She couldn’t deal with his decision.
Back to the beginning and before the fight.
Things like this happen with Love at First Sight…

The author's comments:
This was part of a creative writing story project assigned at the end of my junior year. I was fond of this piece along with the others. It was how I see the way love can be broken down into nothing from so many pressures that society puts on another's happiness. Not to mention when love can be formed without a rock solid foundation

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