What is Broken | Teen Ink

What is Broken

November 11, 2011
By MissRosi BRONZE, Topsfield, Massachusetts
MissRosi BRONZE, Topsfield, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I do not want to crawl
To get out of bed everyday
To get off the floor with looks of dismay
I do not want your pity
Or your words that aren’t so witty
You cannot fix what is broken
With words misspoken

I’d rather be left alone
Let me force my way groan by groan
Can’t you see?
You are only hurting me
My pride goes down the drain
When you try it drives me insane
You cannot fix what is broken
With words misspoken

If I had a dime
For every time I heard “It’ll be fine”
Perhaps if you listen
To my words newly written
Then you would hear
The drips of the tears
As the hit the floor
When you close the door

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