The Tired Soldier | Teen Ink

The Tired Soldier

November 21, 2011
By Jesse147z BRONZE, Albion, Nebraska
Jesse147z BRONZE, Albion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Still, Silent, Sleeping.
I sank into the mattress.

Undercover from the dawn,
Sheets clinging my skin,
Surrounded by the only warmth.

The alarm pulsing in my ears,
Hiding behind my closed eyelids,
Drowning in buzzing frustration.

Frozen against the heated blankets
Like a prisoner in shackles,
Trapped in captive cozy comfort.

Peering, Blinking, Squinting.
Stunned by the unforgivable light.
Blocking the constant blows of rays.

Blinded, Deaf, and Overpowered,
Feeling frantically for the firing mechanism,
Pulling the trigger for the final time.

Sank into the mattress.
Still, Silent, Sleeping.

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