Sonnet I | Teen Ink

Sonnet I

November 21, 2011
By rebelcowgirl SILVER, Siloam Springs, Arkansas
rebelcowgirl SILVER, Siloam Springs, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is full of mysteries and grace,
And these wonders are such a sight to see,
Full of stories sitting on a bookcase,
Waiting to be read to show it's beauty.
Turning ov'r a bright, shiny, new green leaf,
Old, new mysteries wanting to be found,
The more you wait, the more time is a thief,
Cause dusts of time had came, consumed, and drowned.
Better start right now and find what is lost,
To protect all of the endless riches,
Before we later have to pay the cost,
And we could be nothing but mere inches.
So open up and take a look to find,
That most beauties are not made by mankind.

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