Don't Quit | Teen Ink

Don't Quit

November 22, 2011
By CassidyRain BRONZE, Sandyston, New Jersey
CassidyRain BRONZE, Sandyston, New Jersey
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I'm poverty stricken and its all my fault
Been this way so long, its hard to get up.
I used to have a job, long, long ago
Why wasn't he the one to let me go?

I quit, I quit! And I truly regret it,
Too much work I thought, and I could not commit.
And though I stopped working, my boss did not
He knew I had potential, but I had forgot.

Now I probably deserve these vultures and this box
I know I deserve these hole-y socks.
Dirty with dark circles under my eyes
I want to fix things but can't get myself to try.

Now I guess I could find myself another job,
But the one I quit was my dream, I've been robbed!
My ex-coworkers probably wish I'd be put in the ground,
Silent in death, we could no longer hang out.

But one day I must throw my box in the trash,
Let myself forget the dreams that I've smashed
Because it would not make sense for a lif to end here,
Poverty striken without a career.

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