Interracial Love | Teen Ink

Interracial Love

December 18, 2011
By mcward BRONZE, Matteson, Illinois
mcward BRONZE, Matteson, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your dark eyes gleam like furious ambers in the night’s sky.
Those seemingly perfect memories that revolve around our love.
Even when we meet in my dreams I feel like I want to fly.
I feel as though we have come above especially when push comes to shove.

Others around us try to discriminate,
But together we must be strong.
Our words of affection will be maculate,
And our relationship will last long.

Your qualities of faithfulness and trust show that you’re a true man,
And I know I can be your everything right by your side.
Whenever you seek a challenge I will be there to believe you can.
With our colorful relationship, together we will show our pride.

A simple beauty, one such as a dove,
Though nothing can be more perfect than our true love.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my boyfriend to write this poem. I never wrote anything about love or relationships so I decided to try and I created this poem that I was really proud of in the end.

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