Sonnet 2 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 2

December 31, 2011
By nantucket BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
nantucket BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life like there IS a tomorrow... plan ahead for what's in store.

The sun has set, yet I still see the light.
You are the sun in which I yearn to see.
You warm my heart, which burns forever bright.
Your rays shine on my soul and make me free.

My love, I am the dusk, you are the dawn.
Without your warmth my heart feels just like ice.
My queen, take hold of me; I am your pawn.
My life for you I will now sacrifice.

We must begin to start our lives anew.
Our new kingdom will be ruled by your heart.
I will cast off your past, from here on through.
As one, we shall move on to a new start.

You are the angel that came from above,
You help open my eyes to see true love.

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