They were all staring at me as I walked | Teen Ink

They were all staring at me as I walked

February 14, 2012
By Brianna Saffold BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Brianna Saffold BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They were all staring at me as I walked.
Poor girl forever stuck in a wheelchair.
Everyone whispered, and everyone talked.
The top of my head was extremely bare.
The medicine had really helped me.
My bones were to weak to walk through my life.
Finally. bones restored would let me be.
Or else my knees would have to get the knife.
I had three years of intense therapy.
Fourteen years of being wheeled everywhere.
I could see the hard work had paid off for me.
I had to start using the brand Conair.
Never give up on something you would like.
Most wanted things in life are a big hike.

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