Summer | Teen Ink


March 6, 2012
By oozingswag BRONZE, Amarillo, Texas
oozingswag BRONZE, Amarillo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never Say Never" -Justin Bieber

Warm summer air and beautiful blue skys;
Staying up late and traveling places,
Even just the thought, makes me want to cry.
Everywhere you go, seeing new faces.

You make so many memories to keep;
Summer just seems so far away.
Lying on the beach and falling asleep,
February, March, April and then May.

Musicals and plays, reading a new book;
It's nice to be able to take a nap.
The beautiful flowers, just take a look,
Go to a baseball game and wear a cap.

I miss the fun games and laughter and such.
I really do just miss summer so much.

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