The Joy of Sonnets | Teen Ink

The Joy of Sonnets

March 6, 2012
By Gracie Morgan BRONZE, Amarillo, Texas
Gracie Morgan BRONZE, Amarillo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sonnets give me more than enough trouble.
How am I s'posed to use this rhyming scheme?
It should be easy, but this is double
The work I thought it would be with this theme.

Shakespeare seemed to have no problem with these;
He must have had tons of time on his hands.
But my brain simply cannot work at ease;
I wonder how much more of this I'll stand.

This sonnet has taken two days to write;
I really want to go home for the day.
This one might actually take me all night.
I have two more lines, what else can I say?

Oh, it looks as if I'm almost done.
Oh, thank goodness, that really was not fun.

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