Winners Win, Losers Lose | Teen Ink

Winners Win, Losers Lose

March 1, 2012
By Dafina BRONZE, Brampton, Other
Dafina BRONZE, Brampton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Money makes the world go 'round".
They love hearing us say this, they love the sound.

Born in this world with no stress or worries,
'Till you land your first job, selling McFlurries.

Precious hours spent working away,
you've traded in time for a pitiful pay.

Pieces of paper, we give our dear value.
Declared by these strangers, but we never argue.

Lives are spent trying to obtain "the dream".
Unhappy years slip by, although it didn't seem.

Death is creeping up, it's beyond money's power.
They have the last laugh, during your last hour.

The author's comments:
Short poem I wrote in the form of an Epigram (satirical, humorous w. punchline). It lightly touches upon the corruption of the world with regards to money, leaving the readers with a lot of open gaps to fill in themselves.

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