World Keeps Spinning | Teen Ink

World Keeps Spinning

February 27, 2012
By Kristen.Deanna BRONZE, Brampton, Other
Kristen.Deanna BRONZE, Brampton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You run your life, but the world keeps spinning faster,
Restless dreams keep building; your head feels so tight,
Restless dreams while on the road; street lights bright,
You turn your music up, like it’s your pastor.

Music’s your domain, keeping you secure,
Safe as your mothers touch, squeezing you tight,
Telling you that you’re as bright as the stars at night,
Telling you that life can be hard to endure,

And at that moment you don’t understand,
But now you’ve come to realize, that she was right,
Its true, you are as bright as the stars at night,
And growing up can’t bring you down.

Though the world keeps spinning fast, you run your life,
You can take on the world, without the unruly strife.

The author's comments:
Since this is my last year in high school I was inspired to write a poem as a new experience in which I had never done before.

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