I Stand Defiant | Teen Ink

I Stand Defiant

March 16, 2012
By Anonymous

Born of '94, a father soon I'll be
lost among the scorn of man the beast
the truth of my affliction ne'er they'll see
but upon my weary flesh they'll feast.
Love's tender touch upon my face is gone
and I am left, rain left upon my face
torn, broken, cut and bruised I'm one
whose blasphemed body thrown by my race.
You wretched kind! Your horrid eyes!
See naught but evil 'neath my placid mask
you only truly does my mind despise
and no more of thy grace do I ask.
For my Child Still do I posses
it's Alabaster cheeks I still caress.

The author's comments:
I'm a high school student, profoundly interested in all things literature. I was inspired to write this poem after I felt a supreme feeling of contempt towards my life, and the typical teenage mantra of the world being against me. I wrote it as a sonnet to serve as a detox, reaching some conclusion at the end.

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