Old Friend | Teen Ink

Old Friend

March 17, 2012
By BoxofWishes BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
BoxofWishes BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No Charm or hope can save our bonds again,
With words not meant, and glares that hurt inside
Our peace is gone, replaced with pure disdain.
I knew one day I would be thrown aside,
You only think for yourself-can you explain
If you would feel at all if we all died?
Was five years' friendship gone and slain?
But you don't care, a chance you won't provide.

The teardrops on my face won't fall nor stay,
Tomorrow I shall start anew and smile.
A whole new start, a fresh new day,
A flashy entrance i shall make in style
My eyes will shine when I make my new way
With pride and poise like lilies of the Nile

The author's comments:
This is about a person who was originally anguished because her friend turned out to be fake and backstabbing. Then, they decide "it's not worth it" and to smile and be brave again.

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