Wish I Could Tell You | Teen Ink

Wish I Could Tell You

March 22, 2012
By Annette Graveran BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Annette Graveran BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wish I could tell you what's been on my mind,
But there are things I simply can not say.
That through it all, you're just one of a kind,
Or that you seem to brighten up my day.

Your smile, a warm sun, makes me feel weak.
Your eyes, gleaming like the moon in the sky.
When we talk, I hardly find the words to speak.
There's no doubt in my mind that you're the guy.

The one that always makes me feel complete.
With your hugs, what more can I admire?
Everything you do, no one can compete.
With your touch, what more can I desire?

These many words, I wish I could tell you.
Instead I'm thinking, if only he knew.

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