What Is Death? | Teen Ink

What Is Death?

April 19, 2012
By emo_princess16 BRONZE, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
emo_princess16 BRONZE, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Death is like a never ending journey.
It starts with a bang, and ends with a sigh.
They carry you away in a gurney,
You can't imagine how they feel and why.

You look in the past and see what you did.
But that life is o'er, another takes toll.
You look and see that your life is a bid,
The only thing you'll miss would be the roll.

As you lie there rotting in the cold ground,
You look and see nothing, no stars nor light.
You hope and pray that somehow you are found,
But as life goes on day will turn to night.

You remember all the times you have had,
Even if they are all so very sad.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I was in 9th grade. This is what started me in writing poetry.

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