Noise | Teen Ink


April 26, 2012
By Rachael Farley BRONZE, Fort Wright, Kentucky
Rachael Farley BRONZE, Fort Wright, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Nana always used to tell me that
Pollution was the sick result of noise
Never giving it much thought, there I sat
Bland words coming from her, really they were turquoise
Always assuming her words full of hate
Didn't understand that sad way of thought
But now I shall not underestimate
The words she's said and the lessons they've taught
Noise is obnoxious, complete arrogance
'Tis the root of annoyance, displeasure
While sound rings with beauty and elegance
It is the lovely song that I treasure
For noise shall be considered pollution
While sound, it shall be our sweet solution

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