The Maiden on the Hill (An imitation of "The Sleeper in the Valley") | Teen Ink

The Maiden on the Hill (An imitation of "The Sleeper in the Valley")

April 29, 2012
By onyx2612 BRONZE, Phoenix, Oregon
onyx2612 BRONZE, Phoenix, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Upon a hilltop past the mountain walls,
The sunlight peeks and spills her warm gold glow.
The clouds, ablaze, remove their twilight shawls
She lights a slope where an apple tree grows.

Sparrows chirp a harmonious aubade
Beneath a twisted branch with bright green leaves,
As though to quiet hymns, sways a young maid.
Around her neck a woven collar weaves.

Her bare feet brush cool dew off springy moss,
The scent of blossoms wafting in the air.
A slim figure draped in white, flowing cloth,
The dangling apples match her chestnut hair.

A zephyr caresses her face, so mild,
Like a mother consoles a sleeping child.
Her alabaster nape entwined with cord.

The day awakes, beholds her gentle frame,
The sun shines brightly; mountains overcame
Her glazed, pale blue eyes are turned heavenward.

The author's comments:
I hope that people will see and appreciate the haunting beauty and terrible grace of this poem and the ambiguous message intertwined throughout it.

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