The Power of Depression | Teen Ink

The Power of Depression

May 15, 2012
By kotradypa BRONZE, Greencastle, Pennsylvania
kotradypa BRONZE, Greencastle, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When faced with times of anguish and despair,
Or suffocation on the weight of grief,
What does one do to grasp a breath of air
When life is but a moment burning brief?

It wraps you up in cloaks of deathly black
With gloom and sadness breathing down your neck.
Your emotions become under attack
Upon the gruesome heft of midnight’s wreck.

So consumed with the pain of life at hand,
It sometimes feels as though all hope is lost.
A haunting figment of your feelings bland
Can change an outlook positive to frost.

Depression has the power to defeat,
But with love your life it will not complete.

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