My Care taker | Teen Ink

My Care taker

May 22, 2012
By Twelvegang12 BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
Twelvegang12 BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

ere she comes again, humming that sweet tune
Tending to my every need, helping me bloom.
Telling me I’m beautiful each day I grow,
Feeling the wind as it gracefully blows.
She takes long whiffs of my tasteful fragrance,
Making me feel needy with all her maintenance.
A definite sign of desire from her innocent smile,
And a dash of class from her matching style.
Her shabby home off yonder in the distance
Makes it obvious that I am her only true romance.
Her gentle touch makes me want to always stay,
But I know in my heart that one day, I must go away.
I know I bring her so much bliss,
I’m just ecstatic that she’s my mistress.
As I wait here attempting to dazzle,
She comes to me tired and frazzled.
As she walks toward me, her eyes fill with love
And shine just as bright as the stars above.
When night starts to fall and her heart fills with fright,
To stop all her sadness she will come see me at night.
As winter’s cold air will soon make me die,
She’ll have no choice but to bid me goodbye.
Although this may bring her great sorrow,
She’ll always know there’s another tomorrow.

The author's comments:
This is a poem describing the relationship between a women and her flowers.

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