I'd Fallen in Love | Teen Ink

I'd Fallen in Love

May 23, 2012
By Nessmeister-Styles BRONZE, Guatemala, Other
Nessmeister-Styles BRONZE, Guatemala, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What is life without a little risk?

I fell in love the first time I saw you,
You walked passed me with those shining blue eyes,
I gazed at you; it was love, that I knew,
My stomach churned and I had butterflies.

When I bumped into you my heart had skipped,
It jumped a hundred miles over delight,
It seemed like I had travelled to Egypt,
My life was great and everything was right.

I was the music; you were the DJ,
You changed me into something I was not,
You left me there alone along the way,
The love I’d given you, you just forgot.

For you, my heart is just filled with hate now,
goodbye forever, adios, ciao.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by someone that I had liken, but later figured out what they really were like. It's one of the best poems I've written, I think.

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