Lover's quest | Teen Ink

Lover's quest

July 1, 2012
By mlynne14 SILVER, Toledo, Ohio
mlynne14 SILVER, Toledo, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shall I tell you about my dreams at night
The thoughts of you and I fill my sleep
my heart flutters like a bird taking flight
Every time we touch you make my heart leap
Although we are young we know what we feel
The thought of us apart makes me go weak
Friendship first and then my heart you did steal
We talked and laughed, our friendship was unique
Now we are getting married to our love
We stand here now saying eternal vows
We said 'I do' and they released the doves
We will love as much as our hearts allow
Years have passed and I know we can't pretend
We're meant to be, our love will never end

The author's comments:
My English teacher told me to write a sonnet about love, which is something I've never personally experienced. I submitted this, and she ended up pulling my piece and submitting it to our arts festival.

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