Basketball | Teen Ink


July 11, 2012
By iiRun_iiHoop11 BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
iiRun_iiHoop11 BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Work hard, Play hard"

The lovely game of basketball is cool.
Watching the players run the court to score.
To play and work as a team is the tool.
Dedication requires a little more.

Lay-ups, assists, 2-points, and 3-point plays,
Attacking the rim after every missing shots.
It’s important to help the team in ways,
That everyone gives all that they got.

Good game, bad game, criticizing the judge.
Blaming your teammates for the loss of the game.
You and the opponent holding a grudge,
There is no reason for others to be blamed.

The season was tough but now it is done
We made it far, we are still number one.

The author's comments:
Dear Teen Ink Editor,

Teen Ink has a reputable 23-year history, continuously informing others about popular poems and reviews. I am excited to submit a sonnet called “Basketball” to inspire readers.

As a student of the Delta Writing Project at Simmons High School, I have created and shared numerous of short stories with others, persuading them to voice their ideas and opinions. With my encouraging thoughts, I hope to convince others about becoming captivating poets.

Thank you for your consideration, I truly appreciate it.


Terrance C.

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