Happily Never After | Teen Ink

Happily Never After

July 25, 2012
By kaylaamazin BRONZE, Laplace, Louisiana
kaylaamazin BRONZE, Laplace, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Define Normal?"

Where is my happily ever after?
My golden dress, my clear glass slippers
A thousand miles I used to run just to hear your laughter
All I have now is your jacket with a broken zipper

What happened to the day you’d make me your queen?
We would buy a castle filled with expensive things
Till we faced unfortunate events that were unseen
Neither of us knew what terrible ending it would bring

Why has my heart forsaken me?
Your lies were like sweet melody
Every word engulfed me like a rampant sea
I am in too deep

My golden dress is ragged and torn
The castle now set ablaze
Lay me down and let me mourn
Dreams are shattered and betrayed

My fairytale is now broken and you are the one to blame
As I watch my happy ever after go up in flames

The author's comments:
This one is my personal favorite. Hopefully, you will relate to it like I have. Thanks for reading :)

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