During The Day | Teen Ink

During The Day

August 15, 2012
By Dustin Walter BRONZE, Rome, Pennsylvania
Dustin Walter BRONZE, Rome, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the birds chirping and rise from bed,
The sun is rising in the eastern sky.
I opened the window as the birds fled,
And embraced their beauty as they flew by.

As the day moves along, the sun above
Emits its warmth like a wildfire.
Its magnificence I am in awe of,
Moving westward along as I tire.

The evening approaches as daylight ends,
The moon's chill ousting the warmth of the sun.
The heavens and the galaxies transcend,
As I try to count the stars one by one.

God's creation shows command overhead,
To never see this beauty I would dread.

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