The Box | Teen Ink

The Box

September 3, 2012
By Kaynium BRONZE, Sunrise, Florida
Kaynium BRONZE, Sunrise, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Doubt thou the starts are fire<br /> Doubt that the sun doth move<br /> Doubt truth to be a liar<br /> But never doubt I love

I put your existence in a box.
All the heartaches
And my mistakes
Until eventually a forgotten memory knocks.

When temptation undoes the locks,
I'm reminded of those afternoons by our lake.
And the cakes I used to bake.
It's the overwhelming pain that my heart constantly blocks.

Didn't we have such fun?
Until what used to be loving sighs
Turned into bitter lies?
Aren't you the reason our past is done?

Do you remember the roses you brought before?
Those thorns that sliced me through the core?

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