The Pain and Love You Bring | Teen Ink

The Pain and Love You Bring

September 15, 2012
By HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The minute I heard my first love story,<br /> I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.<br /> <br /> Lovers don&#039;t finally meet somewhere,<br /> they&#039;re in each other all along.<br /> ~Rumi

All the things I want to say...
I want to tell you how I truly feel.
Yet I can never seem to find a way.
So I put up my rugged walls, act as though my heart is icy steel.
You do not understand the hold you have on me,
And I don't know how to make you believe.
I want you to understand and see
But an idea of how I cannot conceive!
No matter how much it hurts,
No matter how much the torment destroys...
The thought of me leaving you seems absurd,
I know that never again would I hear your voice.
So from your side I'll never go,
And at your side, my painful love will grow.

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