Hope? | Teen Ink


November 13, 2012
By Lynn_Nerdy BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Lynn_Nerdy BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Should your name be Hope?
Rather than being happy you are sad.
You slowly loosen your hold on life’s rope
And let yourself be guided by a crowd gone mad.

Your eyes have not shines with light,
And have therefore dulled with time.
Your words are always a constant plight,
Yet no one seems to care since its obvious you’re not fine.

But amidst all the dread you have found joy.
No matter how tough, in the end you prevail,
Leading others behind you, promising toys
Which in the end will grow into something with detail.
So should your name be Hope?
By all means it should, because people need you and

The author's comments:
i wrote this thinking of all those times i've heard hope being mentioned and wrote more or less what i got from it.

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